
We are heading off to the NAMM Show in Anaheim Los Angeles, where we hope to meet old…

Carry the Music

High quality gig bags | Designed in Sweden

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Real Leather Cymbal bag

Check out this posh Cymbal bag made of genuine leather for up to 24" cymbals

4-in-1 gig bag

DJ controller, KORG Minilogue, Waldorf Kyra or the small pedal board? Check out this versatile bag.

Gig bag for Headless Guitars

In 2020 we launched this super cool bag for Headless Guitars. Always available in our webbshop!

Pelle Holmberg

Artist Spotlight

Slickbag aims to be the one of the first brands to look at when it comes to gig bags for professional musicians. The timeless but solid design combined with smart and innovative features we believe make our bags very competitive. The keywords are quality and design and that is exactly what we try to achieve when designing and producing the bags for a fastidious target group. Most of the quality aspects of Slickbags’ products are ensured already at the drawing board. By giving the factory manager the necessary additional specifics together with the drafts, the sample process is fast and effective, leaving very little space for mistakes or misunderstandings.